Proje Detay
Haber İçeriklerinden Haber Kaynaklarının Politik Görüşlerinin Tespit Edilmesi
Fen BilimleriK22038
Bilimsel Etkinlik Katılım DESTEK ProjesiDr.Öğr.Üyesi Serdar ÇİFTÇİ
Mühendislik Fakültesi2022
The news companies can shape public opinions with their services. Those services sometimes can be inclined to the company's ideology. Thomas and Kovashka [1] proposed a deep-learning-based model analyzing news images and related texts to determine whether the news comes from right- or left-leaning media sources. They also presented a dataset [2] that they used in their studies. For the SICSS summer school project, I would like to develop a novel deep-learning-based model that combines news images and texts. I will employ an auto-encoder-based architecture for extracting visual features and various embedding methods for texts. Those multi-modal data will be fused with an attention mechanism that assures a weighted fusion. With the attention mechanism, the deep-learning-based model result would be interpretable, finding the reasons for human biased decisions. For the implementation, I will use the same dataset [2]. All experiments will be conducted in Python programming language using the PyTorch framework. The performance of the proposed model will be evaluated with ablation studies and compared with the state-of-the-art models. The project's outcome could be published as an article or presented at a respected international conference. 1. Thomas, Christopher, and Adriana Kovashka. "Predicting the politics of an image using webly supervised data." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (2019). 2. NOT: Katılım Tipi'nde sözlü sunum olmadığından sözlü bildiri seçildi. Proje fikri çalıştayda sunulacak ve çalıştay süresince projenin gerçekleştirilmesi için çalışılacak.
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